Thursday, November 30, 2006
Looks Like We Made It

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
What Can You Tell About Me?
Imse Vimse Training Pants
This is my life in a nutshell: poultry, parties and potties. Don't I sound exciting?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
More Evidence of the Apocalypse
Today, it appears that there has been a truce called in the Battle of the Wreath. I think it is time that we reclaim the peace symbol as a sign of patriotism. I'd advocate that we all greet each other by making the peace sign with our fingers but people would probably think we were just flipping them off.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Christmas Picture Outakes

Miguel and Zeca make like Easter bunnies rather than Elves
Always thoughtful, Miguel keeps Zeca from levitating
A face that could never be replicated
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Unsolved Mysteries
It turns out that when you put your baby down for a nap, she took off her pants, removed the pull-up and tossed it out of the crib. She then put her pants back on and laid down for her nap. While sleeping, she peed through her pants and onto her sheets. She woke up and was not happy about the state she found herself in, so, she removed her wet pants and threw them out of her crib. She then moved to the other side of the crib. You pieced this all together after she said, "I no like a pull-up."
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Free at Last
Luisa left the house at 3:30 a.m. this morning and went to Best Buy. It was my Portuguese girlfriend and hundreds of American bargain seekers. I'm sure she had all sorts of cultural observations but I can't give you all the details because she is probably asleep on the couch by now. She stood in line for a long time but she got us a hell of a deal on this computer. It is so cool!
So, I no longer have dial-up. Now, I just need to use that iPod.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving: An Interview with Miguel
Miguel: Because it's about giving thanks.
Me: Why do we give thanks?
Miguel: For everything we have in our lives.
Me: What are you thankful for?
Miguel: I am thankful for having moms and having a home. I'm thankful for me having a baby sister.
Me: Why are you glad you have a baby sister?
Miguel: Because she plays with me a lot.
Me: Do you know anything about pilgrims?
Miguel: What does that mean? What are pilgrims?
Me: What's the best part of Thanksgiving?
Miguel: You make cranberry sauce.
Me: How do you make it?
Miguel: You put fresh cranberries in a bowl. You wash them. You keep the orange peel on the orange and grind the orange peels. You blend it in a food processor. Then, you taste it. Then, you add sugar. You add 3 scoops of sugar. Then, you taste it. And then, you put it in the bowl. Then, you are ready to do the next batch.
Miguel: You have a nice Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The Holiday Shopping Guide

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Ego Killer
Miguel: I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.
Me: That's great!
Miguel: What would I have to do to become an astronaut?
Me: Well, you would have to go to school for many years and study lots of science.
Miguel: O.k. I can do that.
There is some quiet humming from the back seat and then silence.
Miguel: Mom, why didn't you want to be anything when you grew up?
Me (to self): Oh honey, I did. I wanted to be humbled daily so I became a mother.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Conference #2

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Mothers Goose
Saturday, November 18, 2006
So Much Paper
Friday, November 17, 2006
Struggling with Stuff
There is also the quantity issue. We cannot seem to stop the tsunami of gifts that arrive on birthdays and Christmas. Our children probably have fewer toys than a lot of their peers but they still have everything they could possible want. They have so many toys and, yet, they still wander aimlessly around the house. If each child gets an average of 10 gifts per year for the next 16 years that they live with us, we will need a house the size of Kansas. Please remember that it was last year, as I tried to put away the Christmas gifts, that I realized we needed more space. Christmas excess drove me to add two rooms onto my house. This year, I may have to buy Kansas.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Conference #1
This is not to say that Zeca is perfect. Twice they have caught her in the back lot, smoking cigarettes and talking shit about the other toddlers.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
For the Love of Evel Knievel

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
June Cleaver is a Lesbian
Monday, November 13, 2006
Because I Always Talk About Earth Sciences in the Middle of the Night
Vikki: Don't worry honey. Mãe and I always take good care of you.
Miguel (urgently): What mama? What did you say?
Vikki: I said, mãe and I always take good care of you.
Miguel: Oh, I thought you said "archaeologist".
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The Day After
We won. We outlasted them. They are in bed and I am heading to bed myself.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Uma Noite Portuguesa
Chouriço com Pão – Chorizo with Bread
Ameijoas à Bulhão Pato – Clams with Garlic and Cilantro
Azeitonas – Olives
Vinho Verde – Green Wine
Sopa - Soup
Caldo Verde – Green Soup
Entradas – Entrées
Sardinhas Grelhadas com Pimentos – Grilled Sardines with Peppers
Frango na Púcara – Jugged Chicken
Vinhos Tinto e Branco – Portuguese Red and White Wines
Sobremesas – Desserts
Café e Digestivo – Coffee and Port Win Tarte de Nata – Custard Tart
Suspiros com Ovos Moles – Meringues with Sweet Soft Eggs
Café e Digestivo – Coffee and Port Wine
I started the morning thinly slicing 3 pounds of collard greens for the Caldo Verde. My wrist is still aching from the task.
The soup is now finished and will be reheated right before serving. The clams are soaking in water to release their salt and grit. The sardines are covered in salt and ready to be grilled this evening. The sweet eggs are made. The custard is in the oven. Luisa is hacking the whole chickens to bits so that the chicken dish can be assembled. We are right on schedule. The wine will be uncorked around 4 p.m. and that is when the fun really begins.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Homeland Security
Miguel: What if thieves come in our house while we're gone and take our Christmas tree?
Vikki and Luisa: No one is going to come in our house and take our Christmas tree.
Miguel: Because we have an alarm?
Vikki and Luisa: Well, yes, but also the Christmas tree would only be valuable to us.
Miguel: How do you know? The thieves might want a Christmas tree.
Vikki: Honey, don't worry. The world is basically a safe and good place.
Miguel: Yeah, except for the war and all the killing.
Vikki: Well, yeah, except for that.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Flip Flops for All
We are now the flip flop family. The flip flops have tiny flags of Mozambique on them. The smallest pair, for Zeca, is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. So cute, in fact, that they deserve a close up:
The only thing cuter than the baby flip flops is Zeca's fat little feet in them. "Flip flops for a child less than 2?" you ask. Yes...she has always wanted a pair of her own. The moment Luisa pulled them out of the suitcase, Zeca dropped the toy she was playing with and exclaimed in delight, "Zeca's shoes!"
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Champagne Anyone?
Let's drink to the Democrats taking the House and Nancy Pelosi becoming the first woman Speaker of the House.
Let's drink to the new Democratic Senators who may damn well give Democrats control of the U.S. Senate.
Let's drink to Rumsfeld's resignation.
To all the local readers, let's drink to the Minnesota House and Senate going Democrat (along with many of the State offices).
And let's drink to Minnesota electing its first woman senator, Amy Klobuchar, and its first African-American U.S. Representative, Keith Ellison.
Drink all you want and feel free to dance on the tables. This is the most hopeful election in a long time. I resolve to enjoy this for a few days before I start thinking about Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Wisconsin's new ban on same-sex marriage and the fact that elections should just not be this close.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Civic Duty
I used to take pride in voting and enjoyed the excitement of Election Day but, in recent years, Election Day has been a disappointment. I am beginning to think that Susie Sunflower lied to me when she said that my vote counted. Maybe I am getting older and am no longer naive when it comes to party politics in this country. Maybe I am tired of voting for the person who is least dangerous instead of voting for the person who truly represents my values. Maybe I am tired of close elections in which there are so many allegations of people being denied their right to vote. Maybe I am tired of conspiracy theories. More than anything, though, I think I am just plain tired of my candidates losing.
I am waiting for my faith in the system to be renewed. Will today be the day?
Monday, November 06, 2006
Kumbaya Anyone?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
8:30-3:00 - Registration starts at 8:00
GC Auditorium, Level A
Did you notice that this is a DAY LONG training? Apparently, it takes a lot of time to make sure that everyone feels the love. I would rather poke myself in the eye repeatedly than to attend a training in which a group of social workers sits around affirming each other. Also, if you were wondering, the original e-mail announcement did in fact come in the lovely purple color pictured above. Somehow, the purple just makes it even more unappealing.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Parenting Fairy Tale
The little prince, his sister the princess and the queen went to the skating party and had a wonderful time. The little prince skated and skated and skated. The princess, who was too young to skate, played skee ball and touched every germy surface possible. The queen showed pride in the little prince's skating and followed the princess around with wet wipes. The little prince took a break from skating and decided to play some skee ball and spent his $2 doing so. He earned numerous tickets that he later exchanged for a prize that was worth roughly 1/16th of the value of his original investment. Still, he was happy. The little princess was happy because the queen bought her a pink kazoo. The queen was happy because she had survived it all.
The royal family returned home. The princess went to bed and the little prince had a bath. As the prince bathed, he became increasingly hostile towards the kind and beautiful queen. He demanded more money from her. He told her that he would never listen to her again. He said that he would splash water on the floor and never clean it up. He said that he would never get out of the tub. Never. The queen began to think of the prince as an ungrateful little shit. She began to raise her voice ever so slightly. She began to speak through clenched teeth. Then, she decided not to speak at all. When faced with silence, the little prince collapsed in a soggy heap in the tub. He cried and cried and told the queen that she was the meanest mother ever. The queen removed the prince from the tub and dried him off, fighting the urge to throw him in the moat with the alligators. She was tired because the other queen of the castle was in Mozambique and had been for nearly a week. She wanted to put the prince's naked little butt to bed without another word so that she could watch The Amazing Race on the royal television. Instead, she took a deep breath and she asked the little prince to talk to her, to tell her why he was so angry and disrespectful. The little prince told the queen his tales of woe. He told her that kids at school sometimes tease him. He told her that his feelings are hurt when the little princess yells at him. He told her that, sometimes, the queen mothers make him feel bad too. And then, he told her what the queen believes was the root of all of this trouble. He wished that he had not spent his $2 playing skee ball. He wished that he had saved his money because he worked so hard for it and could not get it back. Oh, the tears that flowed over those $2. After all the tears had dried, the little prince was no longer angry and disrespectful. He no longer thought the queen was an evil miser and the queen no longer thought he was a toad. She tucked him into his bed and they cuddled together until he fell fast asleep.
The children slept and the queen blogged and they lived happily ever after.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Geek Cred
I'm in a confessional mood tonight so...
- I won an iPod in July and have never used it.
- I still have dial up.
I am losing my technology geek cred. There is hope for me though because I have found a new toy and I am in love. Yesterday, I stumbled across the Brio Network. I first saw the characters at Target online and have since scoured the web looking for more information. The best description comes from Creative Brains Online:
"Deep inside your computer lives a world of small creatures. They spend their days delivering mail, searching for information and recycling old stuff. There are also bugs among them trying to throw the Network off-course. What happens then, we can only imagine."
Brio has created an entire toy world that gives personalities and life to operations performed inside our computers.
There are good guys...
There are bad guys (viruses)...
There is the classic struggle between good and evil. The good guys try to do all the things they need to do to keep the network running and those absolutely adorable viruses try to thwart them. The Brio Network will either be wildly popular or will remain on store shelves untouched.
You can check out the full set, including the cute little e-mail stations that allow you to listen to unique recorded messages, at FAO Schwartz. I don't want the whole network...I would just like the Networkers Packs 1 and 2 (pictured above) and maybe one mail station. In case anyone was wondering...
Friday, November 03, 2006
Sticks and Stones
Then, I got on the Star-Tribune to see if there have been any more viscious squirrel attacks and I saw that the Democrat running for Governor, Mike Hatch, allegedly called a reporter a "Republican whore". I doubt that it matters much whether he said it or didn't at this point - I am now predicting that the current Republican governor will be re-elected. Sometimes, I just can't believe the creative ways Democrats find to sabotage their election efforts.
People have flat out lost their minds here in Minnesota. I am tired of the negativity and the cruel political ads playing on TV. Wake me up on Wednesday when all of this is over.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The State of the Nation
Not that the life of an Oil City, Pennsylvania letter carrier isn't important but, really, national news? You can visit the link and read the harrowing tale of the squirrel running up her pant leg. Fear not! There is no rabid squirrel terrorizing the nation - they shot it with a BB gun so that it could be tested. If Luisa were here and not in Mozambique with the lights flickering on and off, she would tell you all that squirrels are in one of the lowest risk categories for rabies. First the meerkats and now the lowly Pennsylvania squirrel.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Health Assessment
Where is number 7? I'll give it to you...don't have kids. If you do, wear ear plugs or hire a night nanny. Yeah, I'm not going to earn those 25 bonus points.Get a good night's sleep - earn 25 more points
Since you are usually sleeping about six hours a night, you can improve your health and even live longer by adding just one hour of sleep each night. Your body's physical and mental functions get recharged during sleep, improving your concentration, energy level and immune system.
Try these six sleep steps: 1) Stay free from nicotine, alcohol and caffeine, especially later in the day. 2) Be physically active. 3) Keep a regular sleep schedule. 4) Create a "sleep-friendly" bedroom - relaxing, dark and quiet. 5) Take a warm shower or bath before going to sleep. 6) Keep paper and pen near your bed to jot down mental reminders that may be keeping you awake
I've been looking for a blogging challenge and this is definitely a challenge. Am I up for it? Will I run out of ideas? Will I resort to long, emotional missives on my love of my big toe? Stay tuned for the answers to these questions and many more...