Friday, December 29, 2006
Here We Go Again
Tonight, I miss Minneapolis. I miss the comfort of home. I miss my partner and my children. And, more than anything, I am tired. My sister is tired. My mother is tired. I had so hoped for better times in the coming year but, now, I find myself only yearning for peace for my family.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Mama Needs a New Pair of Shoes
Alas, I think that I will have to settle for something else. I need to replace the black shoes that have holes in the bottoms, the black shoes that allowed the snowy slush in and froze my feet yesterday. I can't justify buying the beautiful boots and a pair of black shoes. That would just be craziness!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Citizens of the Village - Beware
As I write this, those innocent villagers are happily strolling past lovely shops and ice skating with joyous smiles, unaware of that which awaits them. Run happy villagers! Run back to your snow capped Victorian mansions! Run for your lives because you are about to incur the wrath of a 21 month old. That's right...she is coming and she is coming for you!
And when she is finished with you gentle villagers, as you lie battered and broken among the ruins of your quaint town, what will she be doing? Well, she'll be laughing and having a snack...
Monday, December 18, 2006
The Elusive Finkemeier Cookie
In 1997, Luisa and I were going back to Kansas City for Christmas. My sister bought two dozen of these special cookies so that we could all enjoy them when we arrived. We got to her house late at night and I bolted up the stairs and into her kitchen, anxious for my first Finkemeier cookie in a long time. We exchanged greetings and hugs and then I noticed the large box sitting on the counter. I tore the lid open to find only crumbs. While my sister waited for us to arrive, she ate every single one of those cookies. Her excuse? She said she just couldn't help herself -they were SO good. The bakery closed in 1999 and I never had another chance at those cookies.
In the years since, I have searched for a similar cookie. One year, I drove to nearly every bakery in Minneapolis (and two suburban bakeries) searching for a cookie that could pass as a substitute. I tasted many cookies but left each bakery shaking my head. I have tried every recipe for butter cookies that I have come across, each time hoping that I have finally found a way to replicate the cookie of my youth. Each recipe has been a failure. I guess this is the part where I should make some sort of insightful reference to the past and the elusive nature of memory blah blah blah. I won't. My cookie is out there...somewhere. I just have to find it.
If you have a butter cookie recipe that is piped, please share it. It could be the one.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Welcome to My Meltdown
I know you are expecting some sort of Reader’s Digest conclusion to this. You are expecting an adorable picture and a precious anecdote about how, in my most exhausted hour, I nestled into bed with my children and they told me they loved me and, then, my heart exploded into a rainbow of hearts and light. You are not getting that ending today. No, today, there is fatigue and fever and whining. Today, the leprecaun took his effin' rainbow and went home.
If you see a white-haired woman with a chipped tooth hobbling down the street with frayed pants and a hole in the bottom of her shoe, don’t look away in horror at her frazzled appearance. Smile at her and tell her that she looks tired and weary. Tell her that it is hard work being a mom and, then, offer to buy her a cup of coffee.
Believe me, I need it.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Gingerbread House
Miguel decorating the roof
Will he remember that I encouraged his wild idea for a gingerbread house bowling alley or will he remember that I shot down his idea to have Santa and his sleigh hanging off of the roof?
Miguel and the Sour Santa bowling pins
Will he remember that I let him stay up two hours past his bedtime to perfect his gingerbread creation or will he remember that I was impatient at times?
Beware the bowling snowman
And what will I remember about this year's gingerbread project? The bowling alley...and the creative genius behind it.Miguel and the finished gingerbread house
Behold, the sugary goodness of the Sour Santas
Friday, December 08, 2006
The Mary Cheney Post
There is no Sapphic Sorority and there is no Annual Lesbian Conference during which we, the nation’s lesbians, snack on tofu and align our political beliefs. Lesbians are as diverse as any other group and, as shocking as it may seem, lesbians can be Republicans. Personally, I don’t understand how a lesbian could align herself with a party that has targeted the GLBT community with hateful legislation and rhetoric but there are a lot of things I don’t understand. Lesbian Republicans, Quantum Physics, and rhinestone studded jeans – these things boggle the mind. Still, I accept the existence of all three.
Liberals call Mary a hypocrite and want her to mend her ways and fight for gay marriage. Evangelicals want her to repent or burn in hell. Mary Cheney is a hypocrite. Yeah? So are a lot of other people. Life is complicated and messy and people don’t always fit into the neat little boxes we want them to. The mocking and damning will do nothing to change her political views. Maybe her views will change after the baby is born. Maybe her views will change if the legal system and her privilege fail her. Maybe her views won’t change at all. Does it really matter? She and her partner are having a baby. Be happy for them and, more than anything, be happy that Dick Cheney is not your father-in-law.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Finished Products
I borrowed a steak knife from a co-worker (Thanks, Cathy) and cut one of the oranges in half. The orange guts were dry, crisp and crumbly. There did not appear to be a good way to scoop them out and have a smooth interior so I abandoned this idea.
Then, a couple of co-workers suggested that I photocopy my face to be used in the project. Despite fear of blindness, I did the following:
After enduring the laughter of all of my colleagues, I decided that a freaky photocopy of Mom's face was not a good stocking stuffer.
I then turned my attention to the boxes that I had available. I used a first aid box and an Altoids box to create the two finished products. I used the stickers that I had, glue borrowed from the Office Specialist and Microsoft Clip Art. The Altoids Treasure Box is filled with keys from my co-worker's broken keyboard (Thank you Sarah!). The First Aid Kit Treasure Box is filled with a premium hot chocolate packet from another co-worker (Thank you Colleen!). Here are the finished products:
The First Aid Kit Box
Now, I need to get to work, my real work - I leave here in an hour!
MacGyver Mom
I am at work and have the following items in my desk:
- plastic diskette box
- Altoids tins (4)
- tampons
- post-it notes
- funky bubble stickers
- red felt tip marker
- paper clips and binders
I have a couple of ideas but I am taking suggestions...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Eggnog: The Silent Killer
Eggnog makes me feel festive. It makes me want to don a cable knit fisherman's sweater and a red plaid scarf and sing a few carols with friends as we all smile at each other, our eyes twinkling with glee. It makes me crave candlelight and wreaths and maybe some holly. Eggnog makes me imagine that my family could be perfect and beautiful and have a Christmas that is worthy of a photo spread in some glossy magazine...kind of like the Kennedys, only sober and happy.
The problem with eggnog is that you have to drink it. That's when the dream dies for me because drinking it is like drinking cold, flavored raw eggs. Why? Oh yes, because that is was eggnog is. If the taste and consistency doesn't get you, food borne pathogens will! Yet, every year, I buy eggnog. Every year, I drink a cup. Every year, I stand quietly and listen while my stomach sings a Christmas dirge.
Today, I had an eggnog latte from Starbucks. I must be the world's greatest optimist. In case you were wondering, it tasted like eggnog. I'll go remove my red plaid scarf now...
Friday, December 01, 2006
16 MPG

shouldn't have these...
Click on the license plate for more information about conservation.